Friday, May 6, 2011

This was Originally Blue

Avengers.... ASSEMBLE!!!

Sub-Reality Wolf Mechanized Unit (BioWeapon Reference)


Iron Man McQueen

Amaterasu: Release the Power of the Sun!!!!

Kitty Launch

Monkion Animal Hybrid

Iron Man and War Machine Color Rearrangement

Some Monks can Survive it... Some Can't... =(

Some Shaolin Monks can actually survive this!!
This is NOT one of those monks

Alphonse Fullmetal Alchemst Iron Man Crossover

Iron Man Decked Out War-Machine Style

Bear Go Cart Ride

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dreamworks/Fox Collage

City Color Overlay Attempt

 My first attempt of coloring something in Photoshop. I found it on Google, so the copywrite is not mine.        (Respect the person who actually made this or something) =]