Thursday, March 17, 2011

Capcom vs the Universe

I designed a Photoshop project with as many villains and heroes of as many subjects as I could think of. Anime, comic books, video games... the works! Also, I tried to be as vast as I could of unsung heroes to iconic villains we have all probably grown up with. I believe that if Capcom took the time to pull this idea through, they could make one of the greatest video games ever made!
                                              (Made by Jake Beachell (InfuserGod on Deviantart)
                          (Please see my full wallpaper on there if you wanna see the whole thing!)


1 comment:

  1. OK guys... 4 DREAM TEAMS each:
    1. Tidus, Nirvash, and Megaman X vs. Jecht, Hien, and theEnd
    2. Kenshin, Train, and Rah Xephon vs. Kefka, Dormammu, and Nemesis
    3. Aang, Wargreymon, and Luffy vs. Onslaught, Griever, and Chaos
    4. Ironman, Yoh, and Sonic vs. Omega Red, Abyss, and Carnage
