While the day was long and fun, there was still one thing on my mind… I had to go see Bora Bora, in Oceania(?). Hearing about this island from Couples Retreat, only influenced me more and more to go there. So I hi-fived Aquaman- followed by decking him in the face, stealing his fellow dolphin, and embarked across the Pacific Ocean!
Along the way, I became entrapped in the Galapagos islands- and was trapped by African Zulu warriors. While I questioned how they got to the Galapagos Islands, instead- I shot their faces with pressurized spit, and made my escape as quickly as possible.
But I will make it up to you Amphitrite.
Hahaha! I am just kidding Amphritrite… I love you so much. I wish you were here right now. It is so relaxing here! You would love this place more than anything! This place is a tropical paradise- equal to the Elysian Fields, which would make a fine place to live for the rest of our lives. Maybe we can move here someday.
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